Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

Lack of Student Interest in Learning English


Students Interest in Learning

For student, English is one of the most difficult fereign languages in the study because they must understand how to use grammar correctly, how the pronunciation righ, vocabulary a lot, and others. this resulted in students often assume that learning English is a complicated and tedious because it must relate to the thing above.
During the Field Education I see students less interested in following the lesson, the lack of attention to lesson, and student often do not spell out assignment of teachers and students who did not like this attitude in the class room. This is very disturbing the wayof the process in teaching and learning process, because the level of achievement for the learning outcomes depending on the individual students themselves, if a student has a high interest to learn all the processes that exist in teaching ang learning will be followed by good and will get good result too.

The Monotony of Learning Media

Media usage in English language teaching is needed because with media we can attract students  to b more interested in the lesson. With the variety of media used by teachers, students interest in learning will increase. During the field I see the media used by the teacher was minimal and tended to monotony. In terms of media used did not vary, and seem less atractive, so that students become bored to follow the lesson given by the teachers.
I saw the field of media used by teachers looking woefully inadequate and sometimes difficult to see the abstract so that students understand the meaning of these media, especially media images, and do not use attractive colors. Whereas the use of media interest and good will attrac students and enhance student interest towards learning, media usage is up to date is important because in addition to getting the material in the lesson students can also find the latest information from the media used.
Lack of Supporting Books

I saw in the teaching of Englishlaguage, teacher focus on the worksheet only. while the book is loaned by the school to students unused. LKS whereas only contains a little summary of subject matter and the question. From this came th lack of students interest in learning, because it only focused on doing the exercises in the worksheet.


Raises Students Interest in Learning

To overcome this problem is need for a more interesting teaching methods such as group work requires students more actively in learning and the division of tasks and group work among members of the limitation period, so that all group members have responsibility for a iven task. this will minimize the attitudes of student who always wanted to come out during lesson time. Beside acting as facilittator, the teacher also acts as a motivator. Teacher on duty to encourage students, not only that the teacher is also assigned to parents, friends and even close friends for students. In her duties as a parent, teacher acting as observer, incentive and encouragement to follow the lessons properly. Whereas the role of teacher as a friend as a place to vent for his students, from here we ca know what the problems being faced by students and their cause was not interested in the lassons, so teachers can find the right solution.

Using the Media of Interest in Teaching

Medium of learning is an instructional component that includes the message, people and equipment. In the development of learning media joined with technological developments. Effective teaching requires good planning. Media used in the teaching process also requires good planning.
Use of variety of teaching media and made to attract will have a major influence on students interest in learning, for example the use of motion picture for teaching of " Like and Dislike" and the real thing for the teaching of " procedure text ". Each meeting must be given different media, such as stick figures, real things, still picture, and other media. This attempted to prevent the emergece of boredom in students. In this highly charged media use creativity and ingenuity of teacher to attract students to love learning English. So that students do not think again when English is a difficult and tedious lessons.

Using Other Supporting Books

In this much- needed cooperation between shcool and parents to facilitate the books that are reevan to learning English. In addition teacher should also foster interest in reading both for themselves and students. Because by reading we can dig up information on good teaching trough the medium of print and electronic media. It is capable of overcomig the lack of supporting books.

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